Your relationship with your recruiter

Close up of two people shaking hands across a table another persons hands are visible in the background clapping

Relationships are a key part of our survival as we go through life creating and maintaining a host of different relationships including friendships, marriages, family relationships and so on, the same can be said of relationships made within the workplace.

While generally, we are more familiar with the relationships we make with our friends and family, the connections we foster in the workplace are critical to achieving a better outcome and work balance, both for the good of the organisation and to help achieve a commonly defined organisational goal.

Being able to create and maintain close relationships with employers is a key part of a recruiter’s job – making sure we know their business and the roles they need to fill. As a recruiter, we generate and fill vacancies, and interview and place candidates in either permanent, contract, temporary or casual employment.

Ultimately, it is the responsibility of a recruiter to ensure a company attracts, hires and retains the best employees and we work closely with employers to take an accurate job brief and source applicants that match the skills required and the overall organisational fit.

Using our industry knowledge and networks to stay abreast of the changes within the field, we actively search for candidates who are not in the active job market. Another key aspect of a recruiter’s role is to maintain and develop relationships with applicants. We want to not only understand their skills and experience but also their key motivators and drivers.

We are fortunate to work in a dynamic industry that enables us to constantly meet different types of people and foster professional relationships with them.

There are a few key traits that make up a successful relationship, each being just as important as the other and working cohesively.

These traits are:











While some other aspects could be more important to some employers than others, these 10 traits are commonly considered to be the most important.

Using the above list, we can draw many similarities in the relationship an employer should have with their recruiter. It is the recruiter’s job to carefully align both sides of the recruiting process and this can only be achieved by following these key 10 traits. Using trust, honesty, open communication and certainty, we want to hear both the positives and negatives of the roles, team and wider organisation. This gives us a heightened level of clarity about what kind of person would suit the role and the business.

We commit that we will source the best candidates and best employers for your needs, treat you with utmost respect, and give you absolute discretion and confidentiality.

Whether you are an employer or an applicant, it is critical to our success, and yours, that we know everything. The good, the bad and the ugly! We act on your behalf, we are your specialists and most importantly, we are in YOUR corner!

Recruiting is a delicate balance between both parties and it is our job to be the negotiator in between. By being honest and truthful with us, we will act with your very best interests at heart and get the best possible outcome for YOU.


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